When I was a young boy. I used to watch a movie named Bambi. It was about a deer who's mother died. He had friends named thumper, flower, and that one owl you don't know his name. Now that i'm a grown woman, I went out to the movie store to buy Bambi. They only had one copy left. But I think its a bootleg because the case says "Badass bambi"
I brought the movie then went home. . . Thats when the shit dropped. When i put in the disk and turned on the movie, there was bambi. He was killing his friends and eating their guts with heavy rock music playing. This really rustled my jimmies. I turned off the movie and hid behind the chair. A few minutes later i wanted to see if the movie was going to do the same thing again, So I turned on the movie and it started like normal. A few minutes in the movie is when it started being weird again.
This was the part where bambi meets his friends and says "BURD" But in this verson, Thumper said something very shocking for a childs film. "Yo bambi! Who the hell is this mother fucker?" Then bambi said "Its what your mother ate last night" I tried turning off the movie, but nothing would work. I even unplugged the TV.
After that moment, the screen cut to black for a few minutes. I thought it was finally over. Intill it started at the place where bambi's mother dies. The convosation went like this.
Bambi: Where are we going mother?
Mom: We're going to the field!
Bambi: But mother! The hunters are-
Mom: Shut it young one... thats what disney wants you to think.
This had to be some sick joke. When bambi's mom died, A WW2 flash back played. and bambi's face slowly got zoomed in on. when all you could see was bambi's mouth, bambi said something pretty weird.
"Patrix is coming for you, Jack"
Who the hell is patrix and how does he know my name?
Now 4 days after i sold that movie. This deformed pink guy started to follow me where ever i go. I don't know if this is Patrix, but all i can say is this. DO NOT BUY RANDOM MOVIES FROM LOW RATED VIDEO SHOPS THAT NO ONE WORKS IN!